A credit card is required to book an appointment online to secure your spot.
Life is unexpected and things can come up last minute. Please give a 24 hour notice for a cancellation or to reschedule your appointment. If you are under the 24 hour window you will be charged full price for your service.
It is very common to be waxed during your menstrual cycle. If you cancel or reschedule under the 24 hour window due to your cycle arriving, you will still be subject to being charged.
I have a 15 minute grace period for a late appointment. If you are running beyond 15 minutes late you are subject to being charged full price for the missed service and rescheduled for another time. Please allow yourself plenty of time to get to your appointment whether you are walking, taking public transportation or driving. We have neighborhood parking and parking meters close by.
A no show will be charged full price for the missed appointment. If the client no shows multiple times, they will not be allowed to book again.